Welcome to the ultimate AcroYoga experience: a one-stop shop for a full AcroYoga experience!
If you have little to no experience in AcroYoga, this place is for you to start! Do you have previous experiences and would like to refine your skills? This is also the perfect class for you: we are providing material to meet you at your level, making it fun and giving the right amount of challenge!.
This training will blend the awareness of yoga, the dynamic power from acrobatics and the receptivity from Thai massage.
Date March 15th - May 5th (no class April 5th)
8-week course Every Monday from 19.30 to 21.00
2-weekend acrobatics workshops on April 17th and May 8th from 13.00 to 16.00
2-weekend therapeutic massage on March 27th and April 24th from 13.00 to 16.00
Full price: 2,400sek
Early bird price: 2,150sek (until March 5th)
Venue: YouYoga, Norrtullsgatan 36, close to Odenplan.
Individual class drop-in 180kr
SWISH 0702042383
Sign up here: Registration will open soon!
Weekend workshops
To hone the skills learned in class we will offer four additional weekend workshops!
Solar Acrobatics
These two workshops will focus on more advanced acrobatics material, including dance acro flows, pops and whips! The classes will be the place for you to build a strong foundation to get the most out of these workshops.
Lunar Therapeutics
These two workshops will focus on Thai massage techniques and flying therapeutics. While Thai massage is open to anyone interested in healing arts, the flying therapeutics is recommended to those students who have already some experience in L-basing. Check the dedicated event description for more info, or feel free to reach out!
Thai massage neck and shoulders - March 27th
AcroYoga dance and flow - April 17th
Flying therapeutics - April 24th
AcroYoga pops and whips - May 8th
Registration will open soon, keep an eye out for when it opens!
Early bird prices! Sign up now to save!
Package A: 8 classes and 12h of workshops, definitely the best deal, for only: 2150SEK (after March 5th 2400sek)
Package B: 8 classes: 1260SEK (after March 5th 1400sek)
Package C: 4 workshops, Early bird: 1800SEK (after March 5th 2000sek)
More options in the sign-up form.
Are you a student/unemployed? We want to make AcroYoga accessible to everyone, please see sign-up form for financial aid.
No experience needed, but if you have some, feel free to join and we will meet at your level!
AcroYoga is a sport that requires 3 people for safe practice. The number of students will be limited to be able in compliance with health safety regulations and to ensure a 2mt distance between the trios.
If you come with a partner, you are welcome to train in the same partnership during the entire course. If you come alone, you will be training with other students.
If you have additional questions, feel free to reach Gabi Acro email: gabriella@acroyogastockholm.com / 070 204 23 83
The course is held by Gabi Acro and Fabio De Ferrari.
Gabi is one of the founders of AcroYoga Stockholm, which was started in 2009.
Gabi encourages every student to feel safe, included and ready to explore playfulness and trust! We learn to lean towards each other and become stronger together! Creating a community of playfulness. Gabi is a certified AcroYoga International teacher and has studied acrobatics and circus art at the Swedish Circus School, Cirkus Cirkor. She teaches Thai yoga massage and has studied Thai Yoga massage with Sunshine Network in Thailand. In 2009 she founded AcroYoga Stockholm with Tobias Strollo.
Fabio is a certified AcroYoga international teacher. Originally from Italy, he has been teaching at retreats, festivals and workshops in the USA, Europe and Asia. With attention to details and technique, he believes AcroYoga to be for any-body, focusing his classes on safety, fun and flow.